

At its meeting on 22nd August, the NCWSBA Board decided unanimously to support the call for the mandatory use of anaesthetic/analgesia when surgical mulesing is conducted. As is now well known, WoolProducers Australia and some state farming organisations have adopted a policy of seeking the mandatory use of pain-relief for surgical mulesing. This is being supported by Sheep Producers Australia.

The Board of NCWSBA considered the results of a survey of its members which showed that the overwhelming majority of members supported mandating the use of pre- and/or post-operative anaesthetic/analgesia products when surgical mulesing is performed. NCWSBA will work to support WoolProducers Australia’s actions to seek state governments to introduce legislation requiring the use of these products.

Full details on the NCWSBA Annual General Meeting and Forum, including the announcement of the winner of the 2019 NCWSBA Broker Award can be seen in the full version of the Weekly Newsletter for the week ending 23rd August 2019. Available to NCWSBA members.

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The National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia

News – 2015-current

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