

The latest data from AWTA shows a sharp fall in the volume of wool tested in February compared with February 2019, for Australia and for each state. Overall, the weight of wool tested in Australia fell by 10.3% in February. For the 8 months of this season to February, the weight of wool tested was 5.7% lower than for the same period in 2018/19. There were some very large declines by state in February based on Wool Statistical Area data, led by a 32% drop in wool tested in Tasmania (albeit one of the smaller wool producing states). New South Wales (the largest producing state) recorded a 12% decline in February, as did Queensland. There was a 14% drop in South Australia, while Victoria (the second largest state) recorded an 8% drop in the weight of wool tested. Western Australia (the third largest state) recorded a 6% decline.

While there has been a 5.7% drop in the weight of wool tested so far in 2019/20, there are some significant differences between micron ranges. After the increase in 2017/18 and 2018/19, the weight of superfine wool (18.5 micron & finer) fell by 8% this season to date. The largest decline was for medium and broad Merino wool (21-24 micron), fell by 14%. This follows the large decline last season. In contrast, the weight of fine Merino wool (19-20 micron) has increased a little. The weight of Crossbred wool (25 micron and broader) tested has fallen. Overall, the mean fibre diameter has remained steady at 20.6 micron.

Further details including a chart showing the volume of wool tested by micron range for the 2019/20 season to February compared with the previous 5 seasons, is provided in this week’s edition of the Weekly Newsletter. Available to NCWSBA members.

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News – 2015-current

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