

A Working Group of the National Auction Wool Selling Committee which meets daily at 8am AEDT to discuss developments and the situation with COVID-19 as it affects the Australian wool auctions.

NASC has implemented recommendations from the Working Group in risk mitigation for the Sale rooms, including the location of sale rooms, personal and equipment hygiene, social distancing and restricting access to essential personnel from brokers, buyers and support staff. Specifically these include relocation of the Melbourne sale rooms to the showfloor (an open area in the warehouse) and dining room which will be used for auctions in Week 39 (week beginning 23rd March) and that the Fremantle sale room will be moved onto the showfloor this week. The sale rooms in Sydney may be moved to the showfloor there next week.

The Workign Group has also developed contingency options where a sale room or centre is subject to self-isolation conditions. These are detailed in the Fequently Asked Questions document below, which will be updated as the situation develops.

Download Covid-19 FAQs 23 March 2020



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The National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia

News – 2015-current

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