

Wool exports from New Zealand, Argentina and Uruguay fell in 2015/16. Exports from New Zealand fell by 13% to 143 mkg greasy. This is the lowest for many years and reflects a decline in wool production in New Zealand. Exports from Argentina declined by 5%, but the export volume of 42 mkg was higher than in the period 2010/11 to 2013/14.

Uruguay’s exports also fell, by 15%, in 2015/16 to 44 mkg greasy. Uruguay’s wool production has dropped sharply in recent years. Not all of Uruguay’s exports are of domestically grown wool, as Uruguay exports top combed from wool produced in a number of South American countries, including Argentina, Chile and Brazil.

Only South Africa recorded an increase in exports in 2015/16, albeit by a mere 0.2%. South Africa’s exports of 46 mkg in 2015/16 was the highest level of exports since the mid-1990s. Total exports from the five major wool exporting countries (including Australia) fell by 10% in 2015/16 to 593 mkg. This is equal to the low in recent years set in 2010/11.

Full details including an analysis of raw wool imports by the major wool processing countries and charts showing the imports by each of the five major exporting countries and imports by the major processing countries are contained in the NCWSBA Weekly Newsletter for 12th August. Available to NCWSBA members.

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News – 2015-current

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